Configuring MunkiReport Dashboards

MunkiReport version 4, released over a year ago, added support for multiple customizable Dashboards. Previous releases allowed an admin to configure the homepage with selected widgets, but that was all.

The added Dashboard functionality gives admins the ability to have an unlimited number of customized views with particular widgets for different reporting needs that can be switched between using a menu or keyboard hotkeys.

This post was originally supposed to accompany my presentation at the Houston Apple Admins meetup in September 2019, but obviously I got a little behind.

The information is still relevant so read on if you are interested.

The MunkiReport wiki does a good job explaining them, but I wanted to share the dashboards I used in my presentation and have in production here at the newspaper.

The dashboards are simple YAML files that dictate the widgets you’d like to see, which order they are in and which row to place them. The easiest way to get the widget names for inclusion in your dashboards is to use the Widget Gallery, available at /index.php?/system/show/widget_gallery in your installation. The titles in large text above the widget is what you need for your dashboard configuration.

Below is my Security dashboard, but all my examples including my default, one focused on updates and another on hardware replacement are available on GitHub at:

# Security focused MunkiReport Dashboard

display_name: Security
hotkey: s

    client: {  }
    messages: {  }
    detectx: {  }
    localadmin: {  }
    app1: {appName: "", widget: "app"}
    gatekeeper: {  }
    sip: {  }
    filevault: {  }
    firmwarepw: {  }
    findmymac:  {  }
    firewall_state:  {  }
    skel_state:  {  }
    ssh_state:  {  }
    root_user:  {  }
    mdm_status:  {  }
    user_approved_status:  {  }  
    mdm_enrolled_via_dep:  {  }
    softwareupdate_automaticcheckenabled:  {  }  
    softwareupdate_criticalupdateinstall:  {  }
    softwareupdate_configdatainstall:  {  }
    softwareupdate_auto_update:  {  }
    softwareupdate_automaticdownload:  {  }
    softwareupdate_auto_update_restart_required:  {  }

    softwareupdate_gatekeeper_disk_version:  {  }
    softwareupdate_gatekeeper_version:  {  }
    softwareupdate_kext_exclude_version:  {  }
    softwareupdate_mrt_version:  {  }
    softwareupdate_xprotect_version:  {  }

Experiment with different dashboards and configurations to find the optimal settings for your installation or edit them on the fly as needed. If you have any questions please join us in the #munkireport channel on the MacAdmins Slack.

3 comments on “Configuring MunkiReport Dashboards

  1. Pingback: Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2020-05-08 – Scripting OS X

  2. Rick Davis

    Just curious. When creating new dashboards, is it possible to use CSS to change the color or theme used per dashboard? I’m thinking I could quickly tell which dashboard I was on if I used different colors.

    1. Kevin M. Cox Post author

      Hey Rick, no the configurations only control which widgets are displayed on each dashboard. The CSS and themes are all controlled at a higher level.


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