Tag: NoPkg

Touch ID for sudo on macOS

Apple added the ability to use Touch ID for sudo on the command line interface back in 2017 with High Sierra.

Since that time there have been numerous scripts published to make enabling this feature easier.

So with apologies to the United States Marine Corps

This is my script. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Read on for the details.

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Keyboard Setup Assistant, YubiKeys and a Munki NoPkg

We are always looking for ways to reduce friction for end users. Our job in IT is to empower users to get their work done with as few technological distractions as possible.

Many times Apple makes this harder due to features or functionality in macOS. One such example is Keyboard Setup Assistant (KSA) which automatically launches anytime a new input device is detected.

While this is very helpful for consumers who have purchased a new peripheral; in a corporate setting it can be an annoyance multiplied thousands of times over.

YubiKeys present to macOS as keyboards and trigger KSA. When rolling them out we decided to use a Munki NoPkg to save our co-workers from having to dismiss this useless dialog.

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Gather logs with a Munki NoPkg

CREDIT: flaticon.com

Troubleshooting with remote users can often be a challenge.

This is especially true when you need to see logs stored in hidden folders that users can’t easily find.

To make this process easier for both IT and our staff we added a Self-Service item to Managed Software Center to easily gather everything we need.

Read on for the details…

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AWS VPN diagnostics with a Munki NoPkg

Troubleshooting VPN issues can be tricky for end users.

When we started to see recurring issues with AWS VPN, our Cloud team asked us to make it easier to gather logs and run diagnostics.

We already utilize Managed Software Center for Self-Service so a Munki NoPkg was the logical solution.

The result is a script that gathers all the requested information and makes it easy for users to share with just one click.

Read on for the details…

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Enabling macOS betas with a Munki NoPkg

Apple changed the process for enrolling in macOS beta seeds beginning with 13.4 released in May 2023.

What could previously be automated via the seedutil command line tool now requires user interaction.

Thankfully we can still use Managed Software Center to make this process easier for users.

Read on for the details…

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Uninstalling Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub with Munki

A very annoying bug in the latest release of Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub caused us to uninstall it from our macOS fleet using Munki.

Last week VMware released version 23.04.0 and the users in our testing group were immediately bombarded with a confusing error dialog. These errors would appear repeatedly throughout the day and worst of all, steal focus every time.

We halted the rollout and immediately engaged VMware support who confirmed the issue isn’t isolated to our tenant. Multiple customers are experiencing the bug including others in the #workspaceone channel on the MacAdmins Slack.

However despite pulling 24.04 from Munki and making sure automatic updates were disabled in our WS1 console, the install count continued to climb. With no resolution in sight from VMware we decided to remove 24.04 from our fleet completely.

So much for Read-Only Friday! Read on for the details…

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